Saturday, January 17, 2015


Aired out my booboo for awhile today. Got a little natural vitimin D.  Lovin' the light fiberglass splint.  It is held in place with just a couple of Ace bandages - a bit of a contortion act to wrap and unwrap, but well worth the extra work.  59,68,37,0,B


Margery Billd said...

Wow, lookin good. Ankle not swollen to speak of, nails good so bones must be comin good, foot not too exorbitant, and soon won't see scars. Bag Balm for cows udders from Wal Mart or drug store is the best repair for dried skin or lips or cracked open skin. Might help eventually. I wouldn't get your foot sunburned. I bet the sun might help with aching.

Margery Billd said...

I got a club for my car the other day. Might help a little when I might need to use it in San Antonio or where ever even where I live someday. I was warned by a man in the N. Medical area of San Antonio. They stole and wrecked his truck.

Margery Billd said...

The Mountain Lion was screaming (scarry sound and the dogs inside barked) in back of my house last night where my new neighbor is moving and my little dog outside made a few bark sounds. But when the Cougar heard my voice, he went away and my little dog was able to come in (thought he was already in).

Unknown said...

The sun and air must feel good. Be careful.

Steve said...

It's looking good, John. Glad to see you're healing up!

MsBelinda said...

It looks like it is coming along. In no time you will be up and about. Take care.

rondeb said...

Wow, that leg looks so much better than I would have expected. Obviously you heal rapidly. Now just get the bones to knit together strong.

Margery Billd said...

TY Uruk gy

Margery Billd said...

Posted by accident

Margery Billd said...

I just saw a 16 million dollar home on tv on a 26 acre island off the Florida Keys owned by an elderly man. And he uses solar power and water catchment. I thought that was interesting.

Margery Billd said...

There is a 60 million dollar beautiful home on an island in MT. He has an underground cable from the mainland to the island.

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

Note to self :bag balm for cow udders also good for zombie foot...

RedeFIND said...

Damn, John, you need a pedicure! Sorry just kidding, hope you are doing well. I remember well all my mile stones. It feels so good to not be dependant again. You will get there! Looks like you have some wonderful friends. Been thinking of you.