No welding today - just measuring and cutting all the parts for the last 8 joists. Got enough full length purlin for all but two that will have to be grafted from shorter pieces. Did some chores with the Mt. McKennites then did a run out to the waterboxx experiment north of me. Two plants still surviving out of 32 starts... a palo verde and an acacia. All of the waterboxxes were pretty low on water - 8 of them dry. Replenished the reservoirs for the two still growing.

Spotted another new burrito with his mama then a sick bird on my porch. I moved the bird to the shade of the courtyard and put out some water but it died a half hour later. 96,108,74,0,B
Hi John; if the bird is still around and you've got a zip lock bag (and a freezer)... Carolyn Ohl would be a good person to get the bird to. I'm afraid I'd only be able to get as far as Alpine to pick it up (permits through Texas A&M or for Sul Ross for protected species) but perhaps Carolyn would be the closer person. If you've already buried it, no worries, but if not, science loves a dead bird.
Don is a good name in my family. Hope we get some good rain out of it! (No bad storms)
I have tried to help distressed birds and other animals, too. This drought has been Hell on them.
Hurricane Donn
I will be hit dead center by what I think I will be "Hurricane Donn"
I live about 1 mile from the Luguna Madre, 6 miles from Padre Island, and 7 miles from the Gulf of Mexico.
60 MPH winds are expected Friday night/Sat morning but I think we will have gust up to 80 MPH and that will make it a Category 1 hurricane.
(Im glad I renewed my Flood Insurance and got a 12 pack of beer)
burrito... hee hee hee ... good one
and Captain Crunch, first of all, won't the name change if Don turns into a hurricane?
Second, you live in my favorite paradise...
Hope the rain pans out for you.
Sad about the bird, but, that's live in the wild...
I'm still amazed by all the burros wandering around out there. I can't help thinking they could be useful somehow. Of course, is one were to employ them, one would become responsible for their feeding and upkeep...
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