Went shopping this morning - online. Ordered lots of stuff from 4 different vendors - including but not limited to; 2 sets of wind turbine blades, a wide angle lens for my G9, and a hammer with a bottle opener on the claw end ( who
doesn't need one of those? ). Also a bunch of odds'n'ends I needed from Harbor Freight that I snapped up while on sale. No one gets trampled to death when you shop online...

Experimented with my solar oven most of the day...decided my flat box design is best suited for spring, summer, and fall but not really effective in winter, due to the low angle of the sun. I have been wanting to try this oven design I saw online over a year ago - so I guess now is the time. Hope to throw a prototype together tomorrow, weather permitting. We only had a high today of 59 with lots of wind. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler, windy
and cloudy. This evening at 8:20PM its gusting to 20 mph out there.
Took a drive in the late afternoon NW of my hous

e to explore and look for Benita. Saw some longhorns but not "B". I am still amazed at how many fossils there are out here. This must have been quite an ocean. I found this fence line from a ranch long ago - about a mile away from my place leading strait back to it. It must have continued across my property as I have found remnants of it there and where it continued on south of my property. Someone went to a lot of trouble to keep something in or out.