It has been a little over 5 years since the last time I broke out the ol' telescope. I bought this about 13 years ago and have barely used it. Bound to be something good I can do with it for a YouTube video. Just got the parts I need to mount my Canon T3i to it...but it looks like I have some cleaning to do before I try some deep space imaging. 95,97,75,0,B
Thirteen years. Omg has it been that long.
Ants to asteroids. ;-)
near and far...expanding my YouTube horizons.
What is that dirty thing$
...an $1800 dirty thing
Nice telescope! Will it find programmed points? I was reading the other night about using a 300 mm lens to take pictures of all of Orion Nebula (M-42). The low light pollution of that area is a blessing.
Sam Finn's ants to asteroids comment reminded me of that famous Powers of Ten short film by designers Charles & Ray Eames which many reading this likely saw in school at some point.(The Observatory in Ft Davis used to screen it for 1st time visitors in the theater there, in fact, though I don't know if they still do.)
I went to look for it just now to link it here and...huh? It's vanished! It's been taken down from YouTube for a copyright claim. It won't play on the Eames Office's own website either (they uploaded it to YouTube.) There's no mention of the estate losing the copyright on the Wikipedia page for the film.
I'm stumped. Does anyone know where I can still find it online?
If not, I dunno, maybe TFL really will have to do an ants to asteroids film to compensate for the public losing Powers of Ten. It's a crime that somebody spirited it away.
I hope the dust isn't inside...
Jeff P - Yes it will find programmed points and can also track objects once the tripod and telescope are meticulously oriented. I have been looking at lenses in the 500 mm range and there are some OK ones even as cheap as 100 bucks - but you really need to spend at least $500 for good optics. I decided to start cleaning up my telescope because it has excellent optics and is 2000 mm. Leilani - here is an interesting short film about the true scale of our solar system. https://youtu.be/zR3Igc3Rhfg Jon P - the openings have all been sealed and covered (although next time I put it away I will bag the whole thing). I checked the lens and it looks brand new without a spot on it - good thing I at least kept the lens cap on.
I had some dream last night that I do not remember about housekeeping. Which I thought last night that I am glad I am not your housekeeper. Because you have so many different things stashed away that what average person would know what that dirty ole thing is. Would not want to discard the wrong thing. National Geographic said a genius is someone who does things. And your mind takes you to do all sorts of curious things.
My neighbour John Gills and his wife Corinne asked the other night...want to come and watch the stars on our telescope? 'No .. I quirped. I'll wait for my friend John's from the Nevada😊 sad you won't get to meet them. You would have had much to share in common. After all stars connect with .....stars....
Thanks to the link to that film, John. Fantastic idea for a demonstration. It also makes a dandy art lesson on scale & perspective.
An update on the Powers of Ten film I mentioned: I contacted Eames Office in LA through Twitter, they looked into it & got back to me to say a false claim of infringement was apparently lodged against it & they (the Eames estate) are now working to get it back up on You Tube where they had uploaded it for hosting.
That's a big relief (to me at least) that it didn't vanish forever after all. So if anybody comes along to read this later, it should be up again by then, just google it.
I have a meade LX200GPS-UHTC 10". Bought in 2003. Moved in 2006 to a hilly tree covered spot, so I only used it to look out over the lake and far away mountains. Just brought it here from my sisters in spring of this year, same conditions. Going to sell it hopefully to buy my solar kit to use there. Haven't listed it anywhere yet. I used my Nikon and later canon to take pics through it. HATE getting rid of it but do have an *in newtownian to bring with me.
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