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Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
Quite the "zipper" you've got there, John.
Good thing its behind you...have seen many 4 wheeler accidents on TR...I have been lucky.
My brother has had a 4 wheeler at our Mahan Hunt Camp for almost 20 years - but no accidents. A resident at the ranch probably puts more miles on his 4 wheeler in one year - than Don has over the past 20 years. I believe the greater the usage - the greater the probability of having an accident.
Yepper, just read your story about that two days ago. What a way to get a ride on a helicopter, eh? I noticed you still have the wheelchair ramp from the 'good ole days' :) I was taking my sisters dog back inside a few years back, using my fast power chair, and caught my right foot on the doorjamb as I was going through. Sounded like breaking a 2 inch tree limb. My foot was pointing about 110 degrees backwards. I reached down and turned it around(paralyzed, no feeling) and went to the wood shop down the hall, got some scrap oak out of the box, cut 3 long splints, gathered up a sheet of 1/2 foam off my shower bench, tore my t shirt off/up into strips, duct taped the foam and splints together so I could finish setting it and tied it off. Got in the truck and went to the hospital. From there it went downhill, as I have never found a doctor that would care for my broken bones properly. The xray showed them it was set perfectly, all they had to do was put a two piece cast on... looong story. I'll post pics of said homemade splint sometime, it's on my face book page. Someone brought up my Doctorin' skillz about a year ago lol. They did a great job on yours though! You could have had a bad doc like I often get.
Hard to believe it's been three years.
Glad you're able to continue your journey. Life is so short so enjoy to the fullest.
xxx OUCH! Still gives me the shivers when I see that. At least you got a really cool "tattoo" out of the deal.
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