Monday, August 20, 2012


Dick Cain rode up today...he came across Benita's remains while driving some cattle - told me where to find her.  The skull and horns are in excellent condition thanks to mother nature.  The poor ol' girl died just a quarter mile east of TFL on the edge of some heavy mesquite...only about 20 ft. south of the trail I first followed when I went looking for her.  Marked the spot and brought the bones back home.  Was glad she was found - didn't feel sad till I watched the last video I shot of her.  It was an honor to have her trust.  She was always good with visitors - and she met a lot over her brief time at TFL.  90,99,64,0,B,0


smreid said...

Loved the video. That's how I want to remember her.

edobnek said...

I'm sure you will find a place of honor for the horns

Dale said...

Hope her spirit is where the water is cool and the grass is sweet.

Unknown said...

glad you found the old girl,place to remember her would be good

alam0tx said...

Nice video...She was a great looking longhorn...Better looking than any I can remember seeing...Hope Ben is equal to her fame...

Gene Adcock said...

Thank you for sharing that video.
Special connection between man and

remmij said...

glad she was found by the two men in her life and you are bringing her remains back to your place, but she was always home - that girl would have had stories to tell. R.I.P. Benita, respect to you, Mr. Wells & the Cains too.
The two of you were fortunate to cross trails.
The Benita abides.

Ron/Debbie said...

Now that is one cow in hog heaven. I didn't remember seeing that video, but I've never seen a cow so in love with being touched. Loving every minute of it. Glad she is home .

2L84Me said...

I have always held out hope, but now closure. You both made a difference in each other's lives. She will be missed

Bruce S said...

Ah John, she was as lucky to have you as you were to have her. Good memories.

Zole said...

She was a true Lady. I loved that you could bond with her.
May you bond with Ben the same way.

Allison said...

I miss Benita. That's a great video. Thx for posting.

Bob from Athens said...

Looks like she was trying to get home, just didn't quite make it. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

RIP Benita. Great video John.

God has given you a new life to care for. Ben, soon to be Big Ben!

He smiled when he saw how you were with Benita and he gave you Ben.

Rita B. said...

I teared up yesterday on the live cam when you said she'd been found, and here i am all teary this morning after watching the video. RIP Benita. You were loved.

remmij said...

John — I was thinking about it: Benita was cared for to the end, she lived her long life on her terms, continued her noble linage, she walked to where she dropped in her "home", she drew her last breath under that wide open sky, the sun and stars visited her each day and night and she is thought well of after her passing...
we should all be that fortunate.
the two of you were meant to share the trail as she moved on up ahead and we were lucky you shared her with us, your readers - thanks to both of you
for the sights & insights - your skill with the camera made it possible.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the video. Those horns are great.

tffnguy said...

Glad you found some closure. Makes me feel better to.

Greg said...

Glad she was found.

Anonymous said...

How much for the skull?
It looks complete.

Did you see any animal tracks near the bones? Can't see any in the photo.

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

ditto Tffnguy..........

Anonymous said...

yu lost a dog there, yur initial companion when started, his/her remains marked ,yu say, with some rocks) Benita s remains might be marked buried next to yur initial said companion, on regards Benita s horns might be displayed in a visible place near yur home to be honored remembered by yu , visitors, and time ,there in the greatness of the BigBend we all admire and love xxxx
Keep us posted dude xxx

Anonymous said...

One green-funeral enthusiast, George Russell, has founded a religion called "Ethician" centered on the practice, and says he's buried nine bodies in his Texas cemetery since 2003, including his mother wrapped in a blanket. He's now raising money to build a "tower of silence" -- an elevated platform where bodies would be left to decompose in the open with vultures hastening the process, as is done in the Zoroastrian faith. Mr. Russell recently invited a Zoroastrian priest from Mumbai to survey the Texas site. He says the priest found the local vulture population suitable for the task.

THIS COULD BE (read as a prayer) for her, wrote by G Russell as a last homage for Benita:

Don t Cry for Me

DON’T CRY FOR ME when you think that I am gone for I am still with you. My body has returned to the earth from which it was formed by God, but my spirit lives on in His loving embrace.

I have joined the spirit of God in all Creation. I am on riding on the wings of the fluttering butterfly and on the wings of the soaring eagle. When you feel the breath of God against your face in the gentle breeze, it is I who is whispering in your ear.

Don’t think of me in some distant land of sterile mansions and streets of Gold. Others have chosen to live there but I have chosen to travel with the Spirit of God throughout all Creation. I dance on the rays of the sun as they race toward your abode on Planet Eden. Look at the shimmering waters and watch for the twinkling of my eye as reflected in the sunlight.

Do you not see the tiny dark speck on the surface of the full moon? It is I, waving to you from afar, yet I am also there by your side, watching you gaze in wonder at the moon and the myriad stars of God’s infinite Universe.

I have joined the hummingbird and the bumblebee as they flit from flower to flower. I have climbed into the highest branches of the greatest oaks to marvel at the baby birds as they cry for their mother to bring them their dinner.

The great whales and I dive to the greatest depths of the ocean to marvel at the myriad forms of life therein and then with great joy we return to the surface to frolic in the waves. Yet I am also there by your side as you listen to the murmuring of the waves as they soothe your soul.

It is I singing with the birds. It is I dancing with the leaves. It is I floating gently over your head on a fluffy white cloud and when I wish to ride the rapids or cascade over a waterfall I dive to earth with the falling rain.

So, my dear beloved, DON’T CRY FOR ME, for God and I are with you always. And when your time has come to join us we will be your guide. Together, hand in hand, God and I will show you the wonders and reveal the mysteries of the marvelous tapestry of Creation.

And together we will visit those we’ve left behind and try to let them know that we are there in the falling snow, the scent of a wildflower, the song of the warbler, and the gentle breath of God as He caresses their lips and musses their hair.

~~George H. Russell

Allen Hare said...

So long, old gal. A page has turned....

K1MGY said...

We all marveled at your courage and how the mutual trust developed over time, and began to love her from afar.

Thank you for the completion on this end, too.

Nita said...

Thank you for sharing her with us. Time is gone and we move on but Benita will not be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Nothing personal people, but either your practicing to be subliminal comedians or your nuts.

Reminder: Cows, steer, horses are the dumbest animals on four legs.
Benita died looking for God knows what.
Would that have happened to a dog or a cat? Know, because they're smart enough to find their way back home.
Get a gripe people.

tffnguy said...

"Reminder: Cows, steer, horses are the dumbest animals on four legs."

There are a few humans that fit that description to... even though they are on two legs most of the time. Unlike animals some humans can be real idiots.

The Flying Tortoise said...

I'm glad you've got some closure John...

Indyanny said...

How could you not fall in love with Benita? I love that I can feel for that beautiful creature, and that her remains have been found...a wonderful ending for all of us fans...the tears feel good.

MontelloOffGrid said...

"It was an honor to have her trust."

Indeed John, indeed! May we all be so fortunate to have a trust like that in our lifetime. You continue to inspire me sir. Thank you for sharing Benita with us. Thank you for sharing you with us!

Un Paisano said...

her horns when polished will make a beautiful reminder.