Thursday, August 9, 2012

re weld

Got the east door back in place.  Took awhile to get the hinges all lined up and clamped.  Nice storm floated past and dumped rain NW of TFL.  Ben - a face only a mother could love.  89,102,76,0,B, .14


Ron/Debbie said...

How many times do you give Ben a bottle a day? How long will you have to hand feed him? Not a country girl so I have no clue. Thanks

ratgirls said...

I love those teeth!

Dani said...

Never knew cows could smile :)

Lynn said...

That's the new postcard. He is so cute.

mike said...

nice welder

Unknown said...

Many years ago, my two kids bottle fed an orphaned bull calf. He grew to be 6 ft at the shoulder, but always came running like a puppy if anyone went out to the pasture fence and called his name. We eventualy had to scratch his back from a window in the barn because he was so tall. He was a Charolais.

Anonymous said...

Ben need braces?

SHARON said...

What a sweet face.

pw said...

The Grinning Cow

pamit said...

Ben does have quite the underbite. Reminds me of Sigourney Weaver. Still, he's a cute dickens! --Pam in CO

Allen Hare said...

Glad you got your door back on. The view out the doorway looks great.

All that rain is going to help...someone.

Those teeth kill me!

Dragonetta said...

Betcha he brushes with "Cow-gate". ;)