Monday, August 27, 2012

romper stomper



remmij said...

a star is born... has runway presence... and understands the close-up.

Zole said...

Ben has got some wheels. It's great to see him having some fun. You're doing a great job with him John!

createaway said...

Haha! Ben is SO cute...showing off for his "Daddy"...I love watching him grow!

Al said...

Joy! The young help keep us all young!

Kris said...

How cute! When does Ben get to interact with other calves?

LarryLilly said...

That longhorn is going to need therapy soon. It thinks its a dog.

Anonymous said...

If you could get him to fetch a stick or maybe a cob of corn :-)

SHARON said...

What a cute guy. We can all see how happy he is. You are doing a fantastic job raising the little fella.

Anonymous said...

How many people have a longhorn for a pet? Very good video. Thank you for posting.

Allen Hare said...

Children love to run and play, no matter the species. I bet he would love to have some little friends to romp with, also. Will he be allowed to go play with others of his age when other cattle come around?
It does us all good to see this little one doing so well. Best of luck to you both.

Morgan said...

Ben!!! You are so cute!

JohnnyM said...

Still watching little Ben! What a joyous romper he is.