Saturday, August 4, 2012

ropin 101



D. B. Day IV said...

So once little Ben is not so little and you rope him what are planning on hitching that lasso to?

remmij said...

was going to make a comment about a baby bull in a china shop, umm, I mean a green house, but then I found out that there is considerable grace involved...
ballet may be in Ben's future...
bull in a
Gentle Ben wrangler

alam0tx said...

I agree "ropin" is a snap...

Anonymous said...

Good roping video. You played the part well. I want to see you rope Ben. I need a good laugh.

edobnek said...

now lets see you rope from the top of a horse

Dale said...

Good thing Ben is on formula or he would be munching those greens big time.

Allen Hare said...

Great shot of Little Ben being curious in the greenhouse. He looks so young and innocent, probably because he is.

Yep, you've got the open range, the cattle, the guns, and now the roping down pat. You may want to just complete the picture by acquiring a hoss, or two.

A. Mac said...

Pull your slack downward, away from you and your horse, thumb up, loop end leading down from your fist, as if you were about to dally and wanted to keep all your fingers. Then get a soft 60 or 80' rope or riata (never a 'lasso') and take the curls out of your hat.