One last real day off hopefully - then back to work? I think I'm getting the spark. Shoveled cow poop all morning then just kicked back. High winds came in around 3:30 and took over the rest of the afternoon. Closed myself inside while 25 - 35 mph gusts blew across The Field Lab. Was keeping an eye on my new water tanks sitting at the end of my driveway when suddenly I looked up and there were only two where there were once three. One of my 3000 gallon water tanks took a stroll (roll)...about 1/8th mile from NW to SE. It got caught just at the edge of the big canyon on my property. I just wish I had it on video. I think it's time to level pads, place the tanks, and put some water in them to keep another wandering episode from happening. 50,86,34,0
luv that sunset.
you better tie those water tanks down (or fill them up)
John I worked as an electrician on a powerhouse up in Kansas across the Kansas tun pike at Lawrence Kansas.They were putting in what they called a scrubber to clean the coal smoke.The scrubber is round and no place to get out of the wind (COLD) Wind was just as bad on the south side of that cylinder as on the north!(MEMORIES)
That water tank looks like the landing craft from the first manned mission to Mars.
I have been trying to catch up on your blog. I have seen some videos on you tube about your Field Lab. I love what you're doing and I love West Texas. I hope your water tank didnt crack or punture. Those winds can get fierce. I have enjoyed reading your blog. ~jen
Red sky at night...sailor's delight...
Incredible photo! Glad you're starting to feel better, too :o)
John, I notice you didn't have any rain in your weather report. Was it because it didn't rain where the Field Lab is, wasn't enough to measure or your gauge doesn't measure mud? (after the sand storm) Power was out in this area for hours. Only effected me because I didn't have internet because the router is on grid.
I Like Pie
Cherry pie?
Archimedes liked piE
Wow! That wind really blew that water tank away. I really like the sun set also.
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