Thursday, October 22, 2015

stormy night

Five little bursts happened late last night.  Each one was a heavy downpour that lasted less than a minute.  As usual, the brunt of the storms hit folks north of TFL.  77,86,61, .10",B


Janet said...

It came our way today from the southwest part of Texas (probably from you). We'll have flooding here in Love County, OK. We've already racked up 4 inches and it will continue to rain through the next couple of days off and on. We were bone dry and our garden needed it. Thankfully we don't flood at our bend in the river which is a half mile from us. The sandy land drains to Texas.

Margery Billd said...

Yes, it rained here today north of San Antonio. More is expected.

Dizzy-Dick said...

This is going to be a more than one day rain event. On this side of the state, it will rain through the weekend with Sunday being the worst.