Wednesday, September 11, 2013

change of view

For a couple of months now my morning routine changed from turning on the computer as soon as I get up - to sitting on the porch with tea for at least an hour.  Finally couldn't take another morning of staring at piles of stuff that had been sitting in the same place too long.

Had a freak downpour this afternoon.  Normally storms swirl all around TFL but I get no rain...a phenomenon I call "the vortex".  Well today I had a reverse vortex...rain here but hardly anywhere else in SW Texas.  78,92,70, .54",B,.20


just.Bob said...

Where did all that stuff go?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Matt 5:45 KJV There's your answer! ha ha ha sorry can't type worth a hoot!

Rita B. said...

I bet your water tanks are so full they're to burst. You've had some nice rains out there.

Chris Miller said...

Well at least someone got something! I thought we were the only ones who missed almost all of the rainfall.

Chris Miller - One Family's Journey To Finding True Happiness