Wednesday, September 4, 2013

cleaned out the Tundra



Dizzy-Dick said...

Now that the truck is light you will get better gas milage. Looks like you took a half ton of stuff out of it. (grin)

Dale said...

Not a beer can in the lot of it, a very sensible man.

Cindy Talbot said...

No beer cans, but quite a few pieces of clothing... hmmm what have you been doing in the truck?

Rita B. said...

Bunnies!!! Miss seeing the bunnies (and Carl, and Ben, etc...). Totally understand how the truck can fill up. Have to work hard every few months to clean out the jeep. Maybe that can go on the New Year's resolution list....keep vehicle cleaned out.

Bob from Athens said...
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Bee said...

Wish someone would clean mine out.

Bee said...

Wish someone would clean mine out.