Still and hot today. Low of 61 - High of 104. Had to make a run south to do laundry and pick up some little bolts for the wind turbine. I bought the wrong size last trip to Alpine. Swung by Carolyn's to drop of a loaf of solar oven bread. She was sleeping in so handed it off and got the grand tour from Judge Burr. Came back home and finished drilling and tapping to mount the blade hub. So bloody hot that I felt inclined to set up the portable shade that Aunt Nancy gave to me months ago.

Took a break from the heat for a quick visit to Chuck and Aunt Kathy - they just got one side of their container primed. Chilled out for awhile in the grid AC they have then headed back home. Still to hot to mount the wind turbine so I dragged out of storage - my Pepino Swamp Cooler to prep for installation. Gave the outside of the unit a couple of coats of Hammerite spray paint.

Started setting up to mount Turbine 3 with the new blades and couldn't take the UV. Shot down solo to the Starlight for a couple of drinks and and early dinner. Got home with plenty of time to bolt on the blades and set 'er up to fly. Used up the last of my spare bridge rectifiers to wire it into the system. Not a longhorn to be had today.
Just as I was setting up to shoot some video of my birds having supper - the G9 jammed up on me. It turned off but the lens is still open and extended. Took the battery out and fully charged it but the camera is still locked out. Pulled the card and was able to download these photos but the camera is in deep sh*t! Better work on my descriptive writing...
Is that wind blade secured with a nail acting as a cotter pin?
Been meaning to ask where does one purchase such nice looking windmills?
Nail jammed into cotter pin hole works for my father-in-law but he is 84.
I thought the same thing about nail as cotter pin. Don't see why it wont work, though. That's a real bummer about the G9. I have two Canons, an EOS digital Rebel with upgraded lens, and a great little shirt pocket model, the SD 1100 IS. Both are excellent cameras. Been wanting a G10 real bad, but will have to wait. Good luck getting yours back up & running. We'll miss the pictures in the mean time, but, probably not as much as you'll miss taking them. I like the tags you give your pictures that only show up when you click on them, like "fabfour" for the windmills.
I have often wondered how people living off grid keep cool during the hot summer months in your area. Will be following your blog closely to find out.
Sorry about your camera, will miss seeing your pictures.
Yeah...I know. Not very high tech having a nail as a cotter pin. The original design of the Chispito called for home made blades that spin counter clockwise - the direction the hub screws ON to the hub of the treadmill motor. The commercial blades I use spin the OTHER way. There is barely enough room to drill a small hole through the end of the shaft - too small for a decent cotter pin. I would drill and tap a set screw through the hub and shaft but it makes it nearly impossible to get the hub off once the threads are compromised - but if I lose another blade set, I will go that route. Since the camera is out of warrenty (of course ) I will attempt surgery on it today. Perhaps I can add G9 camera repair to my skill set.
I've had three Canon A-series cameras, and all have suffered fromt he same fault of lens tube non-withdrawl. This is usually due to sand jamming, shock trauma, or worn out actuators. If it's not a simple jam, it may be time for some spare parts.
Great windmills. Good luck!
boborama beat me to it...my canon p&s did the same thing a few years ago. took it apart and found a build up of dirt/grime at the lens tube/camera interface. cleaned it with a q-tip and it worked fine afterwards...
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