Errands and visits took up half the day in Alpine. Must say I had a very refreshing visit to the big city. Made it back to the homestead by 2:30. Unpacked and then did the rounds collecting all the bits'n'pieces that got relocated by the high winds. It was rather exquisite to just sit in the sun for awhile with barely

a breeze in the air. Had a very pleasant late afternoon entertaining some longhorns including Angelina with her few days old calf, Nubbin. Last year about this time she showed up with a calf that I named Buck. Good to know she is on schedule. Weezer and two other cows came in as well....one of which is not a longhorn - wonder how that happened. Expecting Benita back in the next day or two. She took off just before the wind storm. 50,76,26,0
Looks like Angeline would rather you didn't come any closer, I would suggest you watch your step around these new calf's. The moma's can go from "hey come see my new baby" to escorting you away in a split second.
That is one sweeeet little calf. White hindparts and a striped tail. Aim for the hug before the nubbins get too big.
The pictures are great, as usual. New born calf good to welcome it to the TFL. If you start feeding them you will have a heard before long. LOL! Good to see you are getting over what you had, cold etc.
Welcome back home. All those cows are pretty interesting. Hope everything's still in place after the winds. I hope you don't have too much trouble getting that wandering water tank back into place.
I bet you could use a small tractor with a box scraper on the back, and a front end loader. It would help you push/pull things around your place, and help to maintain your driveway.
I guess it's about time to get started on that roofing, eh? I hope it all goes well.
Lots of cow poop for the garden
Nubbins...love it!
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