Fetched my runaway tank and got it closer to home....proppe
d it up by myself using science. Nabbed the other two tanks from the end of the driveway and secured them on their sides near their final home. Hard to believe that once these 3 tanks are filled - they will weigh a total of 75,150 pounds....makes me thirsty just thinking about all that water.

No Benita yet but I hand fed Angelina for the first time today. A fairly well rounded day...slowly back to work..... 57,83,29,0
science built the pyramids , or really really big people.
ah science- the principles of Archimedes, the fulcrum & lever, etc.
Great work John, be careful not to smush a digit.
nice to see the heard expanding!
Glad you could escape the wind in Alpine.
I heard the herd was here.
I bet Benita will be back with calf. She is really fat, or getting ready to have a youngster.
John, you are spoiling those Longhorns. Next you will have them working on the FTL, LOL!
Opps! not FTL, but TFL my mistake.
Neil- great to have you back. Excellent soundtrack! How's that pie?
Science! (insert thomas dolby song here...). glad to see you back and feeling better. are the water containers arranged in any special pattern?
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