This is the time of year when the herd starts their visits - had 32 longhorns here this morning. The bellowing calf from yesterday was here again but this time with its' momma...Beatrice! I think this is her first calf, and I like to think that Benita is the grandmother. Above photo is 3 generations?

Did my best today to bond with the new visitors. Worked a little work in sideways by playing with the new solar fryer throughout the day....yup - it's gonna work just fine. Reached a max temp today of 525 degrees.....set stuff on fire in no time. Now I just gotta rig it for presentation. 63,82,43,0
I like that solar fryer. Seems like that is a fun experiment for The Field Lab. Can't wait to see it cook for the first time. If you can, let us know so we can all tune in on the webcam.
more range cubes needed - pronto!
It took the close up to see all three. Cool pic.
Oooh, it's Beatrice calf! For some reason I thought you said Benita's...now it makes more sense. Oh brother I need to cut back on the coffee or learn to read again lol
Ditto on letting us know when you're gonna cook something on that new solar fryer...very cool!
Have you named the calf yet?
Got to hand it to you, you are a smart man John. What next?
500 degrees, You could heat your shower water with that thing.
How do you keep grease, when frying things, from splattering down on your glass mirrors? Or boil-overs when starting off, say, beans for making chili? Would any of this bake onto the mirrors and be hard to clean off without scratching the mirrors?
where did you get the parabolic surface that you glued the mirrors to?
525 degrees !!! If it's smoking it's cooking!
Sorry to sound dense, but what are the numbers you always post at the bottom of your posts?
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