Spotted a badger. Nice camouflage...except for the headgear. Good chance of a shower overnight - finished up the day covering up stuff just in case. 46,52,42,0,B
Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
Hillbillys are supposed to have junk lay'in around all over the place It is in the Hillybilly code.
Looks pretty damn tidy compared to my place.
A clean sweep. Looks great. I should try that at my place! I notice you've put the swamp cooler up for the season. Hope you get some rain.
Damn ! Mr. Floppy looks depressed
give the badger his "space'--unless you're packing.
I'm sorry, but this is funny....
The crazy ... honey badger
Nice Badger!
John those badgers are nothing compared to those snipes down in that part of Texas.They come out at night an are attracted by light.I wonder if any of your readers have ever been snipe hunting
John, with the rain you have had how is the roof collection system working out. give us some figures.
Went snipe hunting near Kerrville when I was a teenager.
We have Snipes in SE Texas and they won't run in your bag. It takes a shotgun with bird shot to put the fast flying birds in the bag.
Calling out "Snipe, Snipe " will not help you get them in the bag either.
All of the area between the Rio Grande and Pecos aka the Trans-Pecos region is actually some very young desert. Less than 12k years old. During that time, it was sometimes prairie during it's wet phases hence the presence of prairie dwellers like badger and pronghorn in the region. You've had a very wet year out there this year from what one of my friends who live out in Dell City has said.
Yes, 27MM hits on that honey badger video.
Badgers are good to have around though, they keep away the Chupacabras.
JW, I can't agree with your instincts to "clean up". I don't see any junk in the "before" pic axcept maybe the beer cans and cow poop. It looks like a place where someone lives and actually rocks in a rocker (thank god, I was afraid you worked ALL the time). The "after" foto could be a border outpost in Desertistan where cows had gotten out. I'm expecting an armed guard to walk up any minute and ask for my papers. On the other hand, you get visitors all the time and maybe you feel you have to live up to some "image". Get over it, I say. Comfort at home's where it's at.
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