Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Landlord

Not only have I not used my shower in over 3 weeks...I installed a shelf next to the nest, put a bird seed bowl that I keep filled near the nest for the parents...and today I just put an old comforter in the bottom of the shower as a crash pad.  Twice today one of the hatchlings almost fell out of the nest while flexing its wings.  Sure will be relieved when they are finally out safely on their own.  86,95,66,0,W


The Swedish Nomad USA said...

Nice job Mr. Wells. I have been watching the wildlife from my front porch in Russell PA. I had a large grey squirrel come within 2 feet of me today. To say the least we were both surprised. Hope you get your shower back soon

Mike Silvius said...

Three weeks without a shower? dang, must be getting a bit ripe. ;-)

WhyR said...

In an area of very low humidity, around 10%, grunge does not build up as rapidly as it would out east.
The dove parents seem to have picked a good spot. I wonder how they knew it would be safe so close to all your activity. Are you putting out non-threatening vibes? If they were simply looking for the highest spot off the ground away from predators, they could have nested in the greenhouse, but no. Maybe Chupa, Ben and the bunnies told them.

John Wells said...

from wikipedia: "Collared doves typically breed close to human habitation wherever food resources are abundant and there are trees for nesting; almost all nests are within 1 km (0.62 mi) of inhabited buildings." Not sure why they chose the shower as there are several nests (all unoccupied) in the greenhouse.

WhyR said...

It's that Irish Spring scent.

Doug said...

Please don't take this as offensive or negative but why would a guy living off-grid with limited refrigeration go to all that trouble for a dove and have a rooster dumping wherever he wants to not have a few hens around for eggs? It is none of my business of course,just curious

John Wells said...

The answer is simple. I don't eat eggs very often.

MsBelinda said...

M. Silvius...John said he had not used his shower in three weeks...he never said he had not taken one.

John, you are a good human being it is no wonder your critters love you!

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