Got home at 3:30 to unpack and plan out the final wiring with new switches for Pepino II. Inside temp got up to 82 while I was away with the cooler off. Fired it up and pulled the inside temp down to 80 while it was 107 outside. 91,109,52,0,B
Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
Don't hob knob that nice hitch.
Missing the webcam. Hope you are able to get it fixed soon. I look forward to my morning coffee and live pictures of the fieldlab. Good to see somebody doing real work.
The best way to install an evap if you have attic space is to place a vent in the sealing for the cooling to also help cool the attic to. On high end evap systems years a go in each room there would be a vent going to the attic in the sealing (Same type as used for the air outlets.) They could be closed in the winter time and worked great in the summer time.
Problem with using windows for a vent is that if the wind happens to be blowing through the window that is used for venting it can keep small fans from pushing the air out.
Just to wax here a bit.
I work in Elkhart IN, RV Capital of the world. So here is an observation about hitches.
There are two balls sizes, 2 and 2 5/16. For no reason. But alas, so so so many times people will mistakenly put a 2 5/16" Coupler on a 2" Ball. Result? The trailer gets loose.
JW,, you ever spent anytime in the Albuquerque area of NM? All the houses over there use central air with the Evaporator coolers on the roof. They work great!! Don't work worth a dang up here in the DFW area, too much humidity most of the time.
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