Spent all afternoon cleaning out the house and re wiring my set up for the office corner. Vacuumed up lots of dust, spider webs, and enough beard hair to weave a blanket. The space is clean and orderly again, if only for a short time. Getting cleaned up to shoot a video about my power systems here. HP is going to feature the Field Lab soon because of my unique situation and the fact that I own
3 HP computers. Got all the wiring done and easily fired them all up at once. The old desktop is 8 years old and still runs like a charm - it has data on it from a previous computer so it contains about 15 years of my life pre-Texas. The laptop I bought just before coming out here in '07 and it holds all my Field Lab data. The netbook is only 6 month old - used for live remote broadcasting. All HP...powered by the sun (I made that up today). I'm not getting paid to endorse their products - I just like 'em. 82,92,66,0,B

Helluva endorsement, if you asked me! Wish they had tech support from the good ol' USA, though.
Nice setup, the only thing I don't see is your 1TB USB External Hard Drive($85) for keeping a data backup. Maybe even one off-site as well that is updated once or twice a year. Maybe you already have this covered by using a web solution. Anyway, if not, don't forget S*** happens.
"Cranked out a few more tshits"
Hope you did eat something bad :)
Beard Blanket Bingo... is that my gift with purchase?
How u like that net book? I been wanting an apple but the cost is so high. The netbook is around 300 right?
Well looks like the rain cooled things down some. Looking forward to seeing the video.
High Speed Internet service is provided by Big Bend Telephone Co via DSL.......Digital Second Line.
When are you gonna stop baking and get that roof on.
are you saying a Field Lab Beard Blanket is up for sale next? first dibs! :O)
I found something you may be
interested in sort of a modern
day Forrest Gump maybe he
can stop by the field lab
hmmm If john is gonna do a field Lab beard blanket, what does everyone think of an OGT belly button lint sweater?
I still have my HP and it's going on 10 years old...runs good as ever.
I run all my computers (they're about 6-8 years old) on Puppy linux, a free and incredibly fast OS that is about 100 megs total, will do anything my Windows stuff does, and is supported like crazy in the community. Never found a system I liked better, and I've used Macs, PC's, Atari's, you name it. Boots and runs like a champ from cd, dvd, flash, hd, whatever. Barry Kauler, the inventor, is a genius IMHO. Not paid to proselytize - I just love the OS. Extremely light on resources, runs wireless and printers and such with ease. Perfect for a low-power system.
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