Hot and windy all day...good news is - my Buddhist Prayer Flags released their message to the world, if anyone was listening.
Another day cooped up inside (except for two trips to the GrubShack). Played around more with the notion of an online store. Want to make sure I can get quality merchandise from a third party vendor. Before I make that move....decided to try an experiment...offering some value added product for a short time.
Starting today....I am going to do a limited edition run of personally handmade Field Lab tshirts - exactly like the ones I have featured in photos (grey shirt with red lettering). 100 shirts individually stenciled and numbered, made with love by yours truly. (number 001 is already spoken for) This edition is available for purchase, first come - first served.
To order a genuine hand made Field Lab tshirt, including domestic shipping (international shipping extra): Write your name, email address (so I can acknowledge receipt of payment and delivery time - this information will not be sold) and shipping address and shirt size (child size S,M,or L....adult size S,M,L,XL,XXL) on a piece of paper. Fold up the paper with a 20 dollar bill inside (no checks) per tshirt - limit 2 tshirts per order. The first 50 orders get a special gift. Send your order to:
John Wells
2500 Mailbox Rd.
Alpine, TX 79830
For those leery of sending cash through the mail....you may send the payment through PayPal to lifeoffthegrid@yahoo.com Send me an email to specify size. I encourage purchasers to email a photograph of each shirt being worn by its' new owner for me to post on the blog. More information will be sent with your order.
Thanks in advance - let's see how this goes... 89,102,67,0,W
My payment will be in the mail in the morning :)
This is great. Porter and I are in and our payments will be in the mail in the morning.
I'm in
Rick....not to worry - Bullshirtz is in the near future....this is just a marketing experiment.
My baby girl NEEDS your tiniest t-shirt ... be on the look-out for my official order, sir :)
I don't wear clothes that talk..how bout painting up Bonitas toenails and having her walk all over a shirt..I'll call it art!
Just placed my order for the official first printing of the The Field Lab t-shirt and I agree with frann, I want a Bonita Hoof t-shirt.
Your Texas Mom and I just sent off for our T-shirts, also. Gee, I always wanted to write a "Dear John" letter (grin).
Hope your supply holds out.
Payment is en route, John.
Payment is on the way!! Hope we make it into the top 50!
I need a Benita T shirt bad.
Money's in the mail!!
way cool...check paypal jw :o)
I just sent you some money Sir. Check your PayPal account. We look forward to sending you our customer action shots.
Hay, just sent off a paypal order for muh shirt. Put a little extra in there for more M&Ms.
xo, Biggles
ps - Particulars should be in the email notification as to where and size.
Paypalled you this morning, John. Looking forward to getting it!
Another money maker could be tours of the station? Have you thought of that?
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