Thursday, April 9, 2015


Had an encouraging visit with my surgeon today.  He showed me on my xray where the bones were starting to heal.  The "delayed union" means 6 more weeks of non weight bearing.  I asked him about ultasound treatments to help it along and he agreed that it was a much better (and less painful) option than a bone graft.  It just so happened that a Bioventus rep was in their office today.  I had already done some research on their system.  She of course explained that my insurance would cover most of the $2300 cost depending on where I was at with my deductable.  I told her that my friend Bennett Jones in Alpine already offered to let me use his.  She fired right back that if I got one from her, she would make sure that I would not have any out of pocket expense.  Sold!  77,90,70,0,B


Margery Billd said...

Good grief, how does that work? Please show some pictures later.

bob r said...

common to have a non-union at distal tibia fx........and your old, lol

remmij said...

looks complicated, good luck moving forward.
non-union study
they are on twitter -

pamit said...

The medical device makers and insurers wash each others hands, don't they? Glad that you have good insurance. Imagine how much less is available to uninsured folks. Texas is still #1 in percentage of uninsured people, since they refuse to expand Medicaid to cover poor people. Sad.

Margery Billd said...

Yes, and I had a non-insured friend who moved here to take care of his mother from Ohio who died here and he had no insurance yet and died next. He was working in getting insurance. All the life support was taken off as he improved and he died almost two days later in a room alone. I was shocked.

Margery Billd said...

I could not find one relative of his in Ohio or even where he came from near mine. Maybe he never would have had quality of life again. His uncaring, estranged brother made the decision. Everyone hoped. He had a seizure, fell, hit his head, woke up after a day or two, but was somewhat blank.

Margery Billd said...

And I was so sick after I saw him with a virus or something.

Margery Billd said...

I'll have to say he made sure that people treated me right and respected me in AA compared to the way some of the criminal element of drugs acted.

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

Hmmm..I was rather impressed with latest treatment of that fracture in the beginning. Not so much now, looks as if you'll be down almost as long as I was
without all the hardware.Bummer ! persevere...........

Margery Billd said...

Yes, carry on. As one 83 year old lady said to me, "Onward we go".

Ronald Mahan said...

Some of those medical equipment suppliers are kind of gouging our Medicare and insurance companies. Which is a prime reason that our insurance premiums are so costly! Like $300 per month for 2 Tablets per day for blood thinners. Or $3450 per month for a portable Zoll Heart Monitor and Defibrillator. Better not have any serious heart problems - if you are not well covered!

pamit said...

Yes, the ACA (Obamacare)imposed a 2.3% excise tax on medical devices that the industry is fighting tooth and nail to get repealed. This despite the fact that their industry is hugely, hugely profitable. They are one of the few healthcare interests fighting the ACA.

There's very little evidence that medical device industry profits have suffered because of the ACA tax. Their lobbyists may be simply riding the coattails of the unpopularity of ACA ginned up by the right.