Monday, April 13, 2015

bunny buddy

Finally got a bunny to accept some hand feeding.  Guess I'm not so threatening from a wheelchair.


Margery Billd said...

The carrot on a stick tied to the back of a donkey and dangling in front of his nose and always right there but unreachable as the donkey walks forward.

HordeHey said...

That is so cool. Got ye a pet bunny for sure. Wonder if he'll get more and more friendly.

I saw a pretty funny video of 2 bunnies fighting and then 2 roosters come in and break it up. lemme find it
I think this can be viewed by public

Margery Billd said...

Wow, those roosters were pretty darn sharp.

Marlin Andrus said...

Thank's for sharping the video George..its a good one.

Unknown said...

Does anybody know why the roosters broke up the rabbit fight? I'm guessing it's because they're sort of "king of the yard" and run a tight ship.?

Unknown said...

Eh, what's up doc?
With the golden touch!

Larry G said...

we could use some of those chickens in Congress, eh?


Ronald Mahan said...

John keeps feeding those bunnies - he certainly will attract some dangerous predators - that love to eat nice fat bunnies! And it is hard to outrun even a rattlesnake - while in a wheelchair. Maybe John should carry a pistol?

pamit said...

Animals enrich our lives, for sure. Perhaps this picture could remind religious folk what the Bible means when it calls us stewards of the earth.

Larry G said...

stewards as well as caring for vulnerable and in-need fellow humans.

Margery Billd said...

I wondered last night if living or owning property there might jinx some people. Probably just my imagination but I did not sleep all night which is not the norm for me. Yes,a pistol and phone would be good ideas. It could be dangerous.

Margery Billd said...

But I am no one to talk because I do not use guns although I am a good shot.

Margery Billd said...

The Sheriffs told
me I am a good shot.

Ronald Mahan said...

Don & I have been visiting Terlingua Ranch for over 40 years now - and the worst hazards we routinely face - are the long drives just getting there! Rattlesnakes are probably the most dangerous varmints living on the ranch. And they especially like to live under a vacation/hunting cabin. Humans attract mice - and mice are favored rattlesnake fare. When we do a complete job of getting rid of our rodents - we see far fewer rattlesnakes! If you like rattlesnakes - don't bother the mice!

Larry G said...

that's exactly right. If you live in a shelter and have food there - you'll attract rodents.. and in rattlesnake country - you, in turn, will attract rattlesnakes...

even in the east - any kind of shelter - like a woodpile and nearby food sources will attract rodents.. which in turn will attract copperheads.

you don't going messing around with woodpiles in the summer in the east in the summer unless you expect to be finding copperheads...

and you can kill all the copperheads and rattlesnakes you want - but as long as there are rodents - more of those snakes will show up to eat.