Friday, April 24, 2015

Just finalized the design and ordered the custom stamps for the next coin commemorate my paramotor training last year (the Ben'n'Bud Fund definitely needs a boost).  They will go on sale June 1.  I plan on continuing the collectibles by doing one to mark the "highlight" of each coming year.  Since this one is for 2014, the next one for 2015 may be to commiserate my broken leg. 78,83,60,T,0


Unknown said...

Just checking in. I envy your lifestyle!

czardastx said...

How about I come visit this year and you can have that as the highlight...of the DECADE!

Unknown said...

What ... no coins depicting Ben & Bud? Mary Lou & Carl? James Lewis? Mr. Ed & Mr. Floppy?
Bunny coins?

Unknown said...

Might consider casting local animals as bracelet charms for Christmas.

mike said...

pilot lol

HordeHey said...

Sounds awesome

austinmodhouse said...

Wtf are you doing in The sky? This has become a folly. Your original intent has become deluded and you ask other to support your quest to fly? This makes me sad.

John Wells said...

"Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living." Notice it does not say "and never take up any hobbies" and "never sell any merchandise".

HordeHey said...

Prolly a fantastic way to tour the area . Very cool John, very cool.