Sunday, April 12, 2015

Don't Be Fooled

This is NOT about politics...


Unknown said...

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. ..."

(Hebrews 13:8-10)

Unknown said...

Don`t think that would make a very good bumper sticker in Texas.

Margery Billd said...

Immigration reform. Can't mention everything in Texas. It's not my concern and I cannot change the government. But let me tell you (which I have been dying to do). My scalp from last week at the New Braunfels TX beauty school is just starting to not hurt. The young Spanish man pulled my hair and pummeled my scalp as he washed the hair, insulted me loudly, and poured some kind of acid chemical on it without my permission. Actually I had not washed my hair for a week so obviously I am a filthy white person. Girls walked by me with their eyes as big as saucers. The man was very angry because his girlfriend could not get money from the U.S. Government to go to college. The reason is that she was born in Mexico and lived her life here illegally. A criminal.

rondeb said...

Scary, Isn't it LOL

Steve said...

I'll take that over "compassionate" conservatism any day, thank you very much!

Margery Billd said...

By the way, I live outside San antonio, TX, and it is at least 70% Spanish speaking and it is known to be a refuge for illegal people - from many countries. Some years ago I saw a beautiful cat at the vet clinic and it belonged to a beautiful blue-eyed, blond girl who was deported back to Canada to face criminal charges.

rj said...

...beautiful blue-eyed, blond girl deported....oh my...what is the world coming to....

baba said...

sorry to just budge in like this, I like you John and reading about your daily struggles .... called life.
I'd like to recommend this book to you:
Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr
All the best !

Unknown said...

There's meds for that illness!

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

The problem is I got an exemption from commie care ,now they're not available to me.

Carlos said...

I would tell your Spanish stylist, that 35 years ago, I was an American born citizen born on a US military base and I couldn't get a dime for college because my father with 5 other mouths to feed made too much money for me to qualify for college financial aid. I paid for every bit of my college tuition, fees, books and supported myself at the same time. His girlfriend can do the same! I can't stand these generations who believes that they're entitled to a free college education.