Cooked up a 6.48 lb chicken in the solar oven yesterday. Took 4.5 hours at 300° to 350° as the sun went in and out of the clouds. Cooked up a batch of buttermilk biscuits today. Chupa really doesn't mind my eating chicken...in fact, he and Frank and Manny had some leftovers today. 75,84,62,0,B
hope you had some butter and syrup for those biscuits! Looks yummy.
Oh shucks, I missed another dinner. Those biscuits look perfect. Chicken looks well seasoned. And the look on your friends face. :-) I wonder what he thinks. I had some delicious chicken stew today and rice at my favorite Filipino grocery in Universal City, TX.
Interesting photo. Now if you could just get him to smile.
Two very nice chickens. Off topic but I just noticed the Google Earth view of TFL shows Ben and his shadow. Cool.
Now that is cooking with g.. No SUN !! Good job John.
I've been worried about Ben, your ol' steer. Now the chickens have been fed, but the flies are still eating on Ben's tears and driving him crazy. I had a crazy idea that might just work. My father-in-law's mother told me about this old rick years ago. They used to tie cotton balls on a string and hang them on screen doors to scare the flies away. The flies were supposed to think the cotton balls were giant spider eggs--spiders that were hungry for flies. Anyway, maybe you could tie a string across Ben's horns and hang a few strategic cotton balls on strings for him to shake at the flies.
Randy Cox
@Sam Finn, you probably won't ever read this at this late date, but I just looked up & finally found TFL on GoogleEarth because of your comment. I can see Ben & his shadow too!
Didn't realize TFL was so close to 118. Always imagined it way in the boonies. Well, OK, way further in the boonies. Gotta keep looking to find Lake Field Lab though, not sure what it should look like from above.
Also, I think it's pretty funny that the GoogleCar was too chicken to go down Terlingua Ranch Rd for Street View. Not that I'd be any more courageous driving on my own, mind you. (Heard too many stories of flat tires and I suspect AAA would laugh if I called them way out there to change mine.)
Leilani ... Ben gets more famous every day! By the way, what is "Lake Field Lab"?
@Sam, what's amazing is you can even see his horn(s) in shadow, all the way from space! Now that's a longhorn!
What I'm calling Lake Field Lab was the lagoon that John Wells dammed up on the creek there a couple of years ago, but, if I recall correctly, the dam might have failed and I'm guessing the lake probably went kaput with it. Was kinda hoping he'd put up a Tiki Bar out there (or maybe a solar pizza parlor.)
I love traveling by computer ... armchair digital tourism!
Seems like I remember you were thinking of building a large pond but "red tape" of some kind got in the way.?
Enjoyed the ride "around the block".
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