Dug one hole, mixed one small batch of concrete, set one pole, and I'm plum tuckered out. 79,89,47,0,C
Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
John, will this be diagonal or parallel parking?
Oh, and now I see said the blind man, and this is where the parking meter comes in! Clever. Looks good.
You are just finding the wrong side of aging. I went head first down the basement stairs Dec 2015. I am slightly older than you, yes I get worn out earlier than I like, but I started back at the YMCA 2 weeks ago, my stamina is better but I still find myself off balanced now & again, attitude, determination, making a game plane, changing my ways gets me through the day. Finally have a bit of dough, buying a new truck, husband building new addition for an art studio... Just keep thinking things through, I know everyday was a Challenge with 4 broken bones, left shoulder, arm, clavicle & right thumb.. I'm still thankful it wasn't a leg like your accident...
Shortly after buying the place with the 1930's site made concrete block walls, a Bosch SDS plus hammer drill was purchased. In addition to drilling holes super fast, it has proved to be very handy digging holes in hard caliche, even rock. The addition of a 400mm chisel bit, from England of all things, has helped with the deeper holes. In addition to grandpa's digging bar, the Bosch is a quality tool ready to get it done. The digging bar was blacksmith forged from the drive shaft of grandpa's 1914 Model T. He dug a lot of post holes with that bar and a "flat" one pound coffee can. As a child, I can remember going to the blacksmith shop with grandpa. It was something to see in operation. The forge glowing hot. The line shaft over head to power the trip hammer forge, the grinder, the drill, etc.. Flat leather belts flapping ever where.
'With parking lot like that, I will pay admission next time I show up to "The Field Lab Snake farm and Off The Grid' roadside attraction:)
Happy Birthday, John (and dear Benita, too)
Dang....Chris beat me to it. Happy Birthday John, to you and Forever Benita. Hope you have a great day.
As JohnnyM said, recovering from an incapacitating injury after one year downtime and with progressing age is a slow process that realistically may not provide your 40 year old self in the end. There is great wisdom in finding a younger helper who could use a few dollars while saving your back and a possible additional injury. If the field lab is your retirement home, I would get it optimized now the best way possible.
I keep thinking the 4 wheeler accident was potentially a better alternative than the hang glider exercise that your gut told you over and over again to slow down. An accident on the powered hang glider could have been so much worse...
Happy Birthday Jon Wells, my Mom, Phyllis, brother Fred and sundry Hoosier friends who I've keep them inside my circulation of posts, pictures of Texas, you, Benita, Be, and critters. You have certainly put many chuckles, conversations of life into all our hearts. Fred got into his wheelchair for the first time in 2 months, rolled down to Mom's room and the 3 of us did silent cheers for your birthday, enjoyment of sharing your life with us 'Hoosiers' via Terlinqua
Oh my, we'll happy happy joy joy birthday to you John...
JohnnyM...I have some Hoosier blood in me. I lived in Tell City, Indiana for 7 years.
Some of that ground looks like your digging into concrete!
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