Late night last night trying to get some shooting star luck - my G9 only does 15 second exposures and I don't have the wired cable release for my Canon film camera. Up till 1:30 which is
way past my bed time. I'm feeling it today. Only five hours of sleep last night when I am used to my normal nine.

First task of the day - bake a loaf of no knead bread (onion/parmesan)to deliver to my friends Suzy and Carla who run the Cheshire Cat Antique Store in Alpine. Rolled down to Study Butte for an oil change while the bread cooled. In and out in a "jiffy" then back to the GrubShack for an early lunch and to deliver flowers to Eva for her birthday. Filled to the gills, I made the trip north for parts and the delivery. A recent brush fire just south of alpine burned up a whole slew of yuccas. 91,101,72,0,B
Got enthralled a while back by a link to some panning time lapse videos shot in the Big Bend. For the life of me, I can't find the link - but still searching. However, here is a very good example of the effect The rig used to shoot the precision videos costs about $800. I did some searching online and found an $8 solution...mind you it is very basic and does not have the amount of control as the expensive version - but it works pretty good. Bought two cheap wind up kitchen timers for my experiment. Here are links to videos of the cheap modification and my first test.
I remembered seeing those videos too, I believe this is probably the same one:
Would love to play around with that stuff.
Thanks delgrego! That's the link!
Whoa! That's awesome on all counts.
ingenious- time keeps on slippin, slippin...
How clever
Does your telescope have automatic motor drive? Here's a dude who uses that method to create panning time lapse.
Also some pretty informative stuff from a BBC photog here.
Can't wait to see more!
I could watch it over and over...really good stuff, thanks!
Great information. Thanks for posting. to make a pan rig
here is one of my recent time lapse sets
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