Tuesday, August 31, 2010

so much fun...

Mr. Floppy's punching bag came in today for a snack.  I call this burro JR (short for Jack Rockwell - after a friend from Brooklyn).  This poor guy keeps getting kicked in the same spot on his neck...you would think that he would learn to avoid the business end of his nemesis.  I think he knows who his real friend is now - he just figured out it is OK for me to hand feed him today.

I put off a dreaded chore for as long as I could - just had to get started setting the foundation blocks for the north side of the containers.  The west side was a breeze but the east side involved a lot of rock chopping.  I forgot how much "fun" it really wasn't.  90,98,68,0,B


Dwight Parker said...

Damn, that looks like it hurts...hope he learns and it heals well.

gumo said...

Looks kinda snaky to me. Be careful walking around one of those corners one morning while your mind is on something else.

I encountered a nice big Western Diamondback last week while on a walk in the middle of downtown San Angelo. Whew!

Guided Tours in Oaxaca with José said...

John, did you do anything to secure the containers, to prevent them from moving laterally?

Anonymous said...

love the burros!

linda said...

Now you need to add critter doc to your resume!

Wallace Hunter said...

Just my 2 cents. I dont think he is being kicked. Donkey's tend to kick things that are predators, and are considered dangerous territory. But I did a GIS (google image search) for 'fighting donkeys' and I yield these results...




Just my thoughts... But seriously that guy needs to back off of his nemesis a little bit...

Anonymous said...

It has all been hard work but look how good it looks when your done..