Just a lot of watching hundreds of cubic yards of earth being moved. Almost up to the top now. Another day or two perhaps till there is a road across the canyon. This is one job I could never do by myself. Can't even imagine how many wheel barrow loads this would be. 66,80,55,0,W

Shot down to Archies for a new set of tires. My last set made it days away from 2 years and just under 40,000 miles. Not so much the dirt roads out here, but the crappy highways that wear them down. Not a single flat tire nor did I ever add air to these guys - and they even found a nail in one during the switch. Worth the price to avoid complications during all my travels. On top of that, this set cost me $50 dollars less than the last set I bought in Phoenix on November 8, 2008.
You might scrape up an arrowhead or two.
The dam is coming along nicely. Another awesome Field Lab project. As usual, we're all really looking forward to seeing how it comes out.
I bought a set of those BFGoodrich All Terrain T/As for my little Bronco in summer of 2008. I love them. Mine still have a lot of life left in them. We always do some extensive four-wheeling when we're down your way. They are great for all those dirt and rock back roads in Brewster County.
BFG All Terrain radials, are hands down, THE BEST tire for the money that are made today. I am on my sixth set... and plan to get new ones next year.
Baja tested, mother approved!
Love the TAKOs. I bought a set for my F150 a year and a half ago. They still seem like new.
I do have reservations on your dam capability to last long term.
Some kind of spillway/overflow is going to be needed for downpours... and could wash away your efforts in a heartbeat.
Eric is right. As a former pond owner I can attest to his comment. as to whether the land will hold water, only time will tell. Mine was lined with clay.
I got a solid 60,000 miles out of my first, factory set of Continentals on my Nissan Titan and so bought another set of the same. No denying the BFGs are great tires, just a share.
Here your damming a hollow and I've just given away my canoe!
Judging by all the silt and mud I've observed in previous videos, I wonder how long till it's filled up w/mud. Hope there's room downstream for the next one.
I've been running BFG Mud terrains on my last three vehicles...current tacoma has over 220 K We get plenty of winter her in central colorado...and the MT's provide a bit more bite
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