Had some nice sky color this morning as the sun came up. Early breakfast at the GrubShack then worked on a shopping list for Alpine. On the road by 11 and back by 5. Along with stocking up I was able to work the truck inspection into the day. Good to go for another year including the registration.

Benita and the burro formerly know as Mr. Floppy where waiting for me when I got home. Gave them both some dinner and water, then Benita wandered off to graze. When I was in Marfa for Clothesline Appreciation Day, I ran into Dick Cain. We talked about Benita (of course) and I described Mr. Floppy to him. He informed me that the wild burro's name is actually Jose - no wonder he wasn't really responding to the name I gave him. Spent about an hour making nice with him and finally got him to hand feed. Just like the longhorns - once they get it, they expect it. He even tentatively let me brush him - making sure to stay far away from his
kick zone. 75,86,48,0,C
I ♥ Mr. Floppy
Jose' is an interesting looking character. The name you gave him seems to fit him better.
Couldn't help but notice the "Bike O Worsher" in the background. How's it working out?
Jose just sounds so much nicer than Mr. Floppy :-)
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