Due to this blog - they have received encouragement and financial support from as far away as South Africa.
They are still plugging away with all the red tape involved in getting the operation up and running again, and hope to post some progress soon. The State of Texas does not make it easy to install a septic system for a commercial establishment.
IMHO - Jerry and Eva seem to be getting the run around from the local authorities and I can't help but think there are other ranch forces involved in their hardship, or surely the GrubShack would never be allowed to open in the first place. 99,110,75,0,B
IMHO - Jerry and Eva seem to be getting the run around from the local authorities and I can't help but think there are other ranch forces involved in their hardship, or surely the GrubShack would never be allowed to open in the first place. 99,110,75,0,B
I have to agree that there may be other ranch forces involved. Stuff like that seems to happen around here a little too often.
Thanks for the update on the Grub Shack! I hope they can get back up on their feet soon... always fun dealing with the "powers that be"
...yikes that's a lot of bentonite!
I can't imagine digging a 3' deep hole in rock! Around here (Cin, OH - the good 'ol midwest) we would rent a power auger, and hope we don't hit any rocks or things left behind by the builder :-)
I hope the grub shack opens back up, one of these days I'm going to drive all the way from Oklahoma to have a sammich... and maybe stop by the Field Lab too ha!
Texas does get serious on Septics these days. Probably want the Shack to install an aerobic drip system, at least that's what's required in the Hill Country with rock. Then add in the grease traps, oversizing and distance from wells (water types)...
JW - That's a serious amount of bentonite - 26 tons! You damming up the whole of TR? How are you going to damp it down - so it doesn't blow away?
Cool to see a photo of Jerry and Eva :-) Was wondering what was happening with the GS - for ALL of your sakes I hope they get everything finalized soon. Am concerned about those who depend on the GS for their sustenance...
The powers that be obviously have no conception of the effect of their red tape - and it's not as though the GS is installing a septic tank in the middle of a densely populated area...
I will hope for a lot of well earned Karma for those who are giving the Grub Shack a hard time.
I see you have a wonderful tool - the "wonderbar" pry bar. All tool boxes should have one!
Digging holes on Terlingua Ranch is never easy. Ron and I once dug a pit for an outhouse and used the same exact tools to used to dig the hole.
We however, did not have a electric drill to make it easier. We finally decided we would elevate the outhouse with poured concrete, since the deeper we dug, the thicker the rock slate was. It was getting about 3 to 5 inches thick, after 4.5 feet down.
Boycott the Ranch facilities until the Grub Shack opens again. Maybe that would help. I've always been doing that though. They don't have anything I need that I can't stay on a decent highway and get down south. I can get there faster to and can get a lot more stuff by going south.
Easy with the speculation folks, or we will just be adding to the problem. The Texas "authorities" can cause enough anguish without our help. Should there be "ranch" provocateurs then lets not join their ranks by acting in kind.
We just dug a 16' diameter hole 4' deep. I'm up in the nearly pure rock zone so we dig rock not dirt/rock like you flat-landers (just kidding). The secret is an electric jackhammer from Harbor Freight or Northern Tools. It makes very quick work when compared to other methods, although it may be overkill for post holes. Have a great one and stay cool!
problems burocratic red tape to those two good human beings at Grub Schak ? BAD
i was counting eat there in some weeks when i'll be driving by those 112 F and Terlingua
Thanks for the update on the Grub Shack. Didn't know they were still out of operation.
What Jake said about the electric jackhammer. I rented one once, to break up some concrete, and it made the job SO much easier. I've used the big pneumatic kind before, and was not expecting much from the little electric one. Boy, was I wrong! They really kick butt. You should get one for the Field Lab.
I'm so sad to hear the Grub Shack is still closed. Last time I was out, I saw a closed sign and wondered what was going on. Figured they were just waiting on an inspection or something. Sorry it is a bigger deal. The Grub Shack was a good thing for the ranch. I hope they handle what they got to do and open back up soon.
How about a portapotty? Seriously!
Why doesn't everybody eat at the grub shack for free. When you leave you make a donation (for about what the bill would have been if you were a paying customer)to the grub shack for its remodeling fund -minus- any sales tax the state would have collected if of course you were open for business.
I'm just saying!
Saw Jerry and Eva eating at the Ranch Restaurant last week, Judy who owns it is a good friend of Evas.
I doubt if the ranch has anything to do with The Grub Shack closing or with giving them a hard time.
I miss the grub shack too... I should have asked Virgil Clark when he was eating at the Ranch a few days ago, but I know better. Having dealt with commercial construction for the last 8 years , I know about all the hoops one has to jump in order to appease the city powers that B.
Hate to see the Grub Shack getting a bum rap.I have trying to plan a trip out from Kerrville.Hope they are open when I come.Keep up the good work John
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