Received a call this morning from my buddy Scot (delivery driver from McCoys) in Alpine - an hour later I got 84 bags of concrete dropped off to TFL. There is another local mixer to borrow so I won't have to bust a nut getting the next couple of pours done.
Every now and then, I start to fill Benita's water jug and get side tracked. Next thing I know - I got a river pouring across the yard. It kinda hurts to let water go to waste especially since today is 8 months since the last rain (I don't count the sprinkle I got a couple of days ago)When I caught this one, Benita was already making use of the water fountain I had provided. Think I lost about 25 gallons. Benita didn't seem to mind at all.

Checked out an update from my friend Ian Midgley's blog today. Nice feature on his filming visit to The Field Lab and I love the sunset photo he shot of me and my girl. 90,102,68,0,C
that is one sweet fork truck!
Other than the field lab, how far is the nearest watering hole for Benita?
That's a nice piece Ian did. I can't wait to see the new reality show. I think it should be called "Dances With Cows".
"There are no posers in the desert. Only survivors."
Truer words have never been said.
Nice write up on the other blog. Love the picture of you and Benita!
Would something like this work for the water overflow problem:
Good neighbors are invaluable, and I've got one of the best. Glad you do, too.
That frame-out of the west door looks great.
I enjoyed reading that nice write up of The Field Lab.
Happy to hear about the other mixer. I hated the thought of you out there mixing by hand under that hot desert sun.
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