Wednesday, August 1, 2012

streaming video

It was a scorcher today.  Had breakfast at the Motor Inn Cafe then ran errands.  The blaze was building by the time I got home around noon.  Was worried that Ben's banding would make him loose his appetite - but he did his new personal best on this, his one month gallon of milk replacer.

IT Neil made a good technical suggestion this week - I started looking into switching my streaming video server.  I have been on Stickam for a couple of years now but it is time to move on.  I have set up an account at Ustream.  They have a more suitable demographic for my content.  Ben has really boosted the ratings - over 81,000 views last month.  I think he rates because he is something different to watch on Stickam - something other than a half clothed teen girl, chomping her gum, texting her friends, all while in her bedroom sitting mindlessly in front of her webcam.  Stickam is primarily a social streaming site - although I'm not sure how sociable it is to sit in front of your webcam for hours at a time.  Ustream has a specific category called "lifecasting" which pretty much nails it for what I do with my live stream.  Gonna do the move this weekend - link to follow.  96,109,71,0,B,0


Dizzy-Dick said...

Sounds like a good choice. That calf can really put the milk substitute away.

fascat said...

i am old, how am i suppose to learn a new technology? oh well, life moves on.

Rita B. said...

fascat...we'll help must come with us.

Anonymous said...

fascat...I hear you. Hope Rita B. will not lead us astray.

Anonymous said...

fascat...I hear you. Hope Rita B. will not lead us astray.

Anonymous said...

Ben has really boosted the ratings - over 81,000 views last month.
WOW dude, yu are not selling nothing yet to my understanding . Many (me included) follow yu to be informed about BIGBEND life and yur "experiment". Ben as yu know him as present as he will grow up might be short lived. They do mature quickly BANG or not, in fact their temp changes very quickly as grow up. Not same bond established as w/a dog or a horse. Time will say dude.

Allen Hare said...

Good luck with the move. I'll try to check it out some day.