Friday, August 10, 2012


Task of the day:  move a water tank.  Finally got around to moving the 3,000 gallon tank that has been sitting by my little dam for years.  Just a bit of leveled sand and it will get tipped into place on the east end of the greenhouse.  Relocated a scorpion living underneath.  92,101,69,0,B, .10


Bob from Athens said...

I have relocated a few of them scorpions this year, after I flattened them out a good bit.

Anonymous said...

Dangerous territory.

Anonymous said...

scorpions flattened venom removed are good feed for chicken dude xxxx

Morgan said...

I for one, think it is very nice that you did NOT flatten the scorpion. So many people kill things out of ignorance and fear. The scorpions where I live in central Texas are not dangerous at all, the sting feels like a bee sting but the pain goes away much faster than a bee sting (I know I've been stung). My friend freaked out because her dog found a scorpion and was playing with it and it stung her (the dog). She rushed to call the vet only to be told it wasn't a big deal and the dog had probably already forgotten about it.

In AZ we had one type of scorpion, the Bark Scorpion, that could do some damage if you were a baby or an elderly person, but even they weren't much of an issue.

Why kill things that are just minding their own business anyway?

Bob from Athens said...
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Allen Hare said...

You have a community of tanks now, there on the east end. It's good to see the old 'Bike-O-Wersher'. Glad you didn't kill the scorpion.