Thursday, August 2, 2012

the ropes

Alpine run this morning.  Filed some deeds for some new property I just bought.  5 acres a half mile due north of TFL and 20 acres way out in the Solitario.  Helping out some friends that had the land and no use for it.  Got a new tire from Scott(Breezy) and replace one that got a sidewall puncture the day I drove out to winch poor ol' Bob out of the swamp.  Did the rounds then picked up a couple of lassos from an estate sale while on the way out of town.  I think I know just the man to teach me how to use these in an efficient manner.   Also picked up a cheap adjustable halter for Ben.  He is beginning to show a little too much fee will so it is time to start the tough love training.  He romped around quite a bit and chugged 9 pints for his intake today. 98,109,73,0,B,0


Unknown said...

you can never start training to early

remmij said...

week 5 and LB is feeling some oats... he's gotta test his bipedal daddy - wait 'til he sicks his agent on you - "JWdawg, have your peeps call moo peeps" Gotta be a good sign he is trying to claim a bigger sphere of influence. Intuitively he knows that he is in a land where you go big or go home.

tffnguy said...

How do you tough love a bull that's loosing his... (Well you know.) That sounds like pretty tough love right there. ;)

Rita B. said...

He was on a running start to butt that burro (in play) thursday afternoon if you hadn't have caught him in time....picked the right day to buy the halter.

Anonymous said...

Thought about dehorning Ben? Would make him a lot more approachable.

John Wells said...

dehorning a longhorn would be criminal

Allen Hare said...

It will be interesting watching the interplay between Ben's natural instinct to dominate those around him, and the bonding and nurturing he is receiving from you. Best of luck, as I feel you may have a very strong teen-aged boy on your hands pretty soon.