Hunted for an hour to find a chunk of copper tubing in my stuff. Finally found one and made some copper tongs. Mixed up a batch of pickle acid ( sodium hydrogen sulfate - "to effectively remove surface oxidation and flux from silver, gold, copper and most other nonferrous metals after soldering or casting" )
for my nuggets in a mason jar and set it in my old solar oven without the glass cover and it still got up to 150°. Cleaned all the scale and flux off the pieces (including ingot #1) so they are ready for the final melt into ingots. Reserved numbers are as follows: 1 - 51,54,56,59,61,62,63,67,72,74,77,90,91,98,99,100
Number 5 is reserved for Pablo Jaramillo who came out just over a year ago with his daughter. He contacted me a year before that and it seems to me I remember him telling me about coming to the area to spread his wife's ashes in Big Bend. That ingot is my memorial to her and free to Pablo's daughter but I will need to get her address from him.
If you would like to reserve a number, don't send it as a comment on the blog - send me an email so I can keep track of them easier.76,94,45,0,B,.28