Life off the grid in the SW Texas desert. An experiment in sustainable living. NUMBERS AT THE END OF EACH BLOG POST: temp at 8PM,high temp,low temp,rainfall,wind conditions(CalmBreezyWindyGusty). YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFieldLab Daily live streams at https://www.youtube.com/thefieldlab/live
remember those are not self polinaters
When I was at lunch with my BFF, she told me at Macy's they had a bull on a feminine t-Shirt, I looked down upon Bennita t-Shirt and said,"I'm in style!" I wear the silver Ignot a lot, people ask what the Ignot represents. I'm going to say to you, you need to raise more funds? Here is the avenue.
My fruit trees only just have small buds on them, but then it is freezing here. I also wear my ingot
Have you tried fig trees? They grow well in Mexico where my aunt lives. Equally hot and arrid environment.
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