Aunt Cathy, Cousins Holly and Tod, and Mustang Sally came out for a trip t
o the swimming hole today with yours truly as their guide. We caravaned out through the new short cut and spent about 6 hours out there. As we were just coming in, we came across some longhorns....the big Bull I just saw yesterday and 3 calves ( including Guillermo! ) I brought more range feed just in case such an opportunity would arise.

We all came back at 5:30 and I showered down while they headed home to start the grill. We had a great dinner of steak and beans and potatoes and Field Lab Holly Bread. I got home way after dark to find a few longhorns at the end of my driveway...hopefully waiting for breakfast tomorrow. Good news is, Angelina and little Buck have found each other and were with the crew. I'll have the morning snack ready when I get up tomorrow.
NOTE TO THOSE WHO HAVE VOICED CONCERN: Despite their appearance from whatever camera angle I have recently chosen, rest assured that the longhorns are all well fed by their owner and what they graze on this time of year and are all doing just fine.
So happy to hear that Angelina and Buck have been reunited! We've settled back into the grind and both miss Terlingua time. Thanks for the video today :) Porter
Healthy longhorns do not plump out like lots of folks think cows should look.
John,sorry I said anything-consider me straightened out.Ive just been over reactionary from what Ive seen in my part of the state lately...hard financial times plus a state-wide-drought making affordable hay hard to come by.There have been case after case lately of neglect not only to beefers but also fine horses (even dogs/cats being left inside abandoned forclosed houses!?)Hard Times..Breaks my heart. Glad to hear your buddy-beefs are being cared for.Again-sorry I got riled up and said anything.
We watch Texas reporter, but I never saw your 10 minutes of fame. Can we view it on their web site? If so would you be so kind as to post a link.
it's good to be aware of animal abuse, but those longhorns look fine to me.
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