Friday, December 4, 2009

desert dustin

Woke up this morning at 5:30AM. Dragged myself out of bed, fired up the heater, and made the first round of coffee for the day. Just as I headed out to feed the birds (two hours later) - I noticed something falling from the sky that was rather unfamiliar since I moved to the desert......snow! Low and behold it snowed for about an hour and a half, just long enough to powder the ground with about 3/16". About an hour after it stopped snowing - the sun came out and all evidence was quickly gone ... except for the 2 cups that I saved, melted down, and bottled. You would be surprised how long it takes to fill and cork 134 two milliliter bottles with melted/filtered snow.

Studied the manual for the telescope camera and software but have yet to get it up and running. Spent two hours getting that much closer to mastering the software. Lost a bit of time today when Diego came over to check his email on my computer. 28,53,27, .02"


Anonymous said...

Did Diego hear from Benita?

tffnguy said...

John, Is that the whole reason you bought those bottles? I'll take a couple if the price is right. Now as far as Benita goes I insist that when she shows up next spring that you use your high tech skills and put a tracking devise on her. She's a national icon by now and we all miss here as much as you do. Well maybe not as much, but a LOT!

Anonymous said...

I was just watching some of Benita's videos on You Tube. Hopefully Benita is somewhere warm and will come back soon.

Allen Hare said...

This is Ok Hwa and Allen checking in. That is so cool! Great pics of the snow covered Field Lab. The video is very nice, too. Next summer you can fire up that video for a reminder of cooler weather.
Can hardly wait to see the telescope web-cam.
I bet those roofing materials should be arriving soon.

Billy Bob said...

Now I'm get'n to worry....fill'n little bottles with snow water and dog puppies check'n email. What's go'n on out there Mr. Wells?

John Wells said...

must be cabin fever....

Gwen said...

Nice video and photos. I wonder if snow fell at my place on TR? I haven't been down there in several weeks to check on things.

Anonymous said...

About how much propane do you use in the month of november to keep warm? And how is your solar shower workin in this weather or is it not. Inquiring minds want to know.