Monday, December 28, 2009

jitterbug vipers

Another chance of snow coming up so I made a supply run to Study, propane, bread and cheese - the four major food groups. Back at the ranch, I cut'n'tweaked the diagonal braces to span the voids between containers. Took a bit more time than the others because of the heavier gauge of steel tubing. Clocked out at 3:30 to catch up on some Christmas phone calls and a sponge bath. Topped off the day with my now regular Monday night webcast from the Starlight Theatre. Musical guest tonight was the Jitterbug Vipers and they were excellent! I must say that Slim Richey has a very impressive beard. 51,61,29,0


Just Me said...

Did you say propane was a food group? Yuck!

Caboose said...

The job is coming along! Won't be long and you will be roofing the Lab. Ankor down for the snow, get plenty of food and keep warm. Please take some snow photo's and post them. Getting like ours now,we are looking at 28 degrees this morning.

Guy Hodges said...

Awesome progress on the bracing JW.
Seems like it just flew in to place once you got the first two done.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Not sure why you needed supports between the containers, but looks good anyway. Have a great new year!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

You got to have beans for entertainment! Don't forget the beans.

Anonymous said...

Silly off-brand beard.