1. Thanks for all the nice comments about my Aunt passing. She was the best!
3. Rigged the ceiling vent for the Pepino.
4. Installed a drain on Pepino5, Dismantled the old fire pit - time for new/bigger rocks.
6. Installed new weather stripping on my front door (see #7)
7. Conenose beetle season has started.
8. Delivered dinner to Benita at 7PM...2 miles from the Field Lab.
9. 82,105,66,0,C
10. Uploaded 2 new videos over the weekend
Got my shirt.... Awesome work. Especially like the extras.
I'll get a pic in a few days and email.
When I get my t-shirt... I can't wait til' someone asks me- "What the hell is the field lab?"
And of course the answer is- " It's where the future happens...now"
I love the shirt John ... I think the chicks will dig it.
Got the package, cool!
I already know what picture I will send but I need to wait until next Tuesday...
Received the shirt (#25) and extras today in rainy Washington State.
#20 Just arrived. My city slicker coworkers don't understand my delight, but I don't care.
John, you should be ashamed of yourself for putting that poor Conenose beetle in that bottle! I just squashed the one I found in the dungeon. (A couple of weeks ago)
not to worry tff....he had already drowned in my swamp cooler.
I love my shirt and the other little goodies that came along with it. Thank you John!
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