Since changing my life and moving out here, the thought of a deadline rarely occurs to me. Alarm clocks are definitely out of the question. When I woke up with the sunrise this morning, it suddenly hit me that today was the deadline for the Texas Monthly Short Film Contest. To add to the mix...we had cloudy skies and a threat of rain coming in.
Fired up the new Field Lab brain and discovered that the quick time DVD I had made with the sick laptop ran fine on the new machine. Next up - downloaded Acrobat Reader so I could print out the rules and entry forms. Last bit of business was downloading drivers for my printer. Was clouding up pretty good but I took a chance and headed to the post office in Study Butte to send off my entry. Last stop was some ice for the ice box. Heavy rain on the way home at the hill by Luna Vista. Got back at noon just as some drizzle started. Grabbed my mail at the corner and found my new video editing software arrived - Adobe Premiere Elements 8. (something to play with on a rainy day)
Light rain steady from 1 - 2 PM. More coming tonight and tomorrow...but I'm good to go for awhile. 78,92,72, .04", W
Good luck on your entry! If it is anything like some of the videos you have shown us here, I am sure it has a good chance of winning. I really liked your time lapse videos of storms.
Hope you win!
Oh, shoot, you will :)
I don't know why this has never crossed my mind, but what kind of Internet access are you using down there?
Ahhh Premiere Elements 8. I hope you find it easier to use than I did. Perhaps I finally have to admit to reaching an age where everything isn't quite as intuitive as it used to be. Good thing I don't watch TV or else I'd be perplexed trying to use the remote! Good Luck on the entry.
dgullet, he uses a dsl connection after the phone company trenched a line in to his place.
A great entry might be your "The West is The Best". My children (twins, age 7) love it, and Benita, too.
Break a leg :o)))
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