Missed the cool work window outside this morning so hunkered down once again inside. Loaded the photo editing software I use onto the netbook so I can tweak and post pics again (photos from yesterday). Searched online and found another HP to get me back in business with a full size monitor. This time I am skipping the laptop route and getting what they call an all in one desktop - still low power but heartier. I took into consideration all the suggestions folks gave me but I am rather brand loyal and I don't fault HP for the failure of my laptop - I put that thing through hell the last 3 years and probably got at least 6 years of life out of it being that I ran it 14 hours a day in this desert...still confident that HP will bring it back to life.
Finally got around to signing up for the medevac helicopter ambulance service for rural areas.
http://www.mtcmembership.com/ I think the sudden illness of my computer must have motivated this. For $50 per year, I can get choppered out if need be and that's it for my out of pocket expenses...they try to squeeze the rest of the $25,000 price tag out of my insurance company. The only down side is - if I really need it...I probably won't be able to enjoy the ride. But I will try to get photos for the blog. 87,103,68,0,B
Hey thanks for the medivac inusrance link. I think its a smart idea especially for snake areas.
Yeah, what Nick said. Didn't even know that was available.
How much power will that HP all in one use? I have the Dell Inspiron One and it has a 130W power supply. I like how little room it takes up, but it didn't come with built in wireless and no additional monitor port. I added USB wireless and a USB video card (gotta have at least 2 monitors).
WARNING ***story not for the screamish***
My wife's brother-in-law cut all the fingers off his right hang with a circular saw a couple of months ago. They transferred him to the big city by helicopter and put his hand back together with micro surgery. They did a great job and it's healed incredibly fast. Apart from a slightly shorter thumb it looks normal.
The one thing that stuck in his mind was the view from the helicopter... he says he'll never forget being able to travel that way.
Maybe you need a positive pressure container for the computer. A box around the computer that uses air pressure (from a fan/filter arrangement) to ensure only clean air surrounds the electronics. Used in harsh industrial situations for similar purposes.
John, some new ideas to incorporate into Pepino III...
Very nice canvas work, John.
That shade cloth looks real nice! Smart deal on the medivac. I agree with you 100% on HP...I still have one running that's over 15 years old...works like the day I got it. I've owned only HP since 1989...no complaints here.
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