Benita surprised me by coming home today. Not sure what she is thinking but nice to see her again this late in the season. When I tracked her yesterday, I found some "bedding spots" in the weedy grass where she might be chillin for the night when not in the mood to head further west.

Just managed a bit of roof prep for the next phase today. It got way colder last night than the forecast called for. (coldest night so far this year) Had another breech in the hot water system that needed to be attended to this morning. Fired up all the FL vehicles today for a spin. Had to add a solar panel to the go kart battery for a 1/2 hour before it would start...took the Ural to the GrubShack for lunch...changed the oil in the quad. 44,69,20,0,B
Dangit. Just missed out at 54. Love the picture you have. Hope you get more.
They always get the 'N' backwards but she gets extra credit for spelling!
hehehe. this is funny
Hey, I am going through my second childhood, does that count?
I will attempt to paint Benita in a non morbid way yet impressionistic as my next subject, if you send me some facial closeup photos and some simple body shots to my email. Im in florida and been busy working but will try to get back to painting next weeked when I get back to Atlanta and pickup my paints and canvass.
You have slowly collected a large, diverse set of vehicles. Options in travel mode are nice. Hope the Ural is working out for you. That side car sure adds to the possibilities.
Good luck on the next greenhouse phase.
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