Saturday, May 14, 2011

name that snake...



Jon H said...

Hard to tell from that angle and I have never been that great with names, but, is that "Ssssteve the snake"?

giniv said...

Nice rat snake....

Anonymous said...

Howard. I name him Howard.

Bee said...

a hog nose or a racer

gumo said...


Michael said...

Looks like a gopher snake aka bull snake, Pituophis melanoleucus.
Eats rodents. Good to have around unless you're afraid of snakes.

Ben in Texas said...

Sneaky Snake,

Tim said...

Well if you don't like snakes I would call him a DEAD snake. I like Jon H's name for the snake, call him Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssteve.

Tim said...

sssssssssssssteve or Ssssssssssteven.

Anonymous said...

Trans-Pecos rat snake. Good snake to have around..likes mice.

Tim said...

Is that a sunrise or sunset photo?

Gavin Thomas said...

I was sitting in the garden one day when one of those guys came down the hill behind our Gazebo... scared the hell out of me before I realized it was a gopher snake. Definitely something my wife and I won't forget.

Tim said...

Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssindy or Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssarah if it is a female snake.

The Flying Tortoise said...


JB SMITH said...

It looks sort of like a barn snake we have here in Mississippi..I only know them by that nickname... That's a beautiful snake...great patterns and colors...

tffnguy said...

They will bite if threatened. Won't kill you, but wouldn't be any fun.

alam0tx said...

OMG...I Hate snakes...That picture made my skin crawl..

neil said...

Long John Slither

Geckolegs said...

Bull snake

Anonymous said...

Snakes are cool. Snakes eat rodents that carrie diseases in the desert like the "Hantavirus"

heidi said...

Bullsnake! Love those guys. Stay clear if you're a rodent, though...

CoolChange©© said...

Definitely Bull snake. Very beneficial, very cool, and they will make you hurt yourself when you stumble upon one!

Anonymous said...

Pituophis melanoleucus, Bull Snake.

just.Bob said...

How long was it? Looked 10 feet long!

Joe B. in CT said...

That's at least a thirty footer. Me? I'm the dust storm you see running the other way.

Susanna said...

What snake? :P

Grits said...

We call that a BIG snake. Call Daddy!!!

Detritus said...

I vote for the bull snake (P.c. sayi) on p. 224 of . "Texas Snakes" by Dixon and Werler. It appears to be a little out of it normal range. What would be really cool to find is the Sonoran Gopher Snake - p. 223. Beautiful markings. Dixon was my herpetology professor at Texas A&M and his book is at Front Street.

Paully said...

If I could see the face, I'd know for sure if it was a Gopher Snake. They eat rattle snakes so we loved having them on the property up here. Did it have a dark brown band across the eyes?

You sure take some interesting pictures that document your life down there. Keep up the good work. I love checking in on you.

markjamesmurphy said...


Zap2it said...

CD is the snakes name.

short for count dracula.

Tara said...

I vote for naming it "Tex."

budfreshour said...

the snakes name is lunch

abstractexpressionist said...


abstractexpressionist said...


abstractexpressionist said...


Dragonetta said...
