Had lots of rain in the area lately but not much here at TFL. Reckon it is time to asses the catchment and usage for my desert empire. One of the things I was warned about when I first moved out here was evaporation from the water tanks. I have discovered that it really isn't much of an issue. I have been checking one of my 1550 gallon tanks - without being completely sealed, in over a year it has only lost about 75 gallons to evaporation.
This is where we stand today:
Total rainfall for 2013 so far = 5"
Total water in storage = 9,950 gallons
During a light rain event of 1", my roof surfaces catch 2250 gallons
During a heavy rain event of 1"when the creek runs, I catch an additional 3000 gallons via pump.
Water usage per week:
Ben and Bud = 175 gallons
Greenhouse = 140 gallons
Chickens and rabbits = 1 gallon
Washing dishes/showers = 25 gallons
I have yet to set up purification and filtration for my potable water from my catchment for cooking and drinking because I only use about 5 gallons per week. For that I fill 5 gallon jugs ($1.75)
from the water machine outside the grocery store when I do supply runs to Alpine. 79,88,69, .08",B,0