Lots of the same coming up work wise for the next couple of weeks so I'm going to have to mix and match to keep myself amused. First order of business was changing out the wire on my welder. Switched from .030 to .035 flux core wire. Bumped up the juice one notch and turned down the feed one notch and found the perfect mix. Took about 3 1/2 hours to weld up the section I set up yesterday with stellar results. What a way to start a Monday morning.
Got hot so I switched gears to the solar oven. Mixed up a batch of "Dr. Doug Loaf" to deliver tonight at the Starlight. 4 cups self rising flour, 1 TBS Mesquite seasoning, 4 TBS sugar, 2 cups Monterey Jack cheese ( invented in the US according to NPR's Science Friday ), 1 1/2 cups of Hickory Smoked
SPAM, and a 16oz can of Budweiser Chelada Beer.
Baked in the solar oven for 3 hours at 275 degrees. Shot down to the Startlight and delivered it still hot from the oven to Dr. Doug. Funny thing is when I got there he was talking to his brother Jon ( Dr. Doug's webmaster ) and he put me on the phone to chat for awhile. He has featured the Field Lab quite nicely on the website...
http://www.drdougs.com/Friends.htmlEntertainment feature of the day: As much disdain I have for popular culture, I am a sucker for these videos of the latest great talent to be found. Regardless of how their lives will change for the worst if they aren't
really really careful - I just love to witness the moment of personal triumph and a new beginning.