A friend out here got tired of looking at his old tin quonset hut garage and asked me if I would like the job of painting it. Just happened to have a brand new Wagner Paint Crew sprayer that I bought before I moved here and has never even been taken out of the box. Easy to use and works like a charm. Four hours and five gallons later - over half of the original job is done. He likes it so much, he wants me to do the inside as well. I don't remember why I bought it in the first place, but it finally came in handy. 55,72,34,0,B
When I think of,"living off the grid",I think of Christopher McCandless.
Which has zero to do with a painting job.
Just saying.
How kind of you.
Yes, Anthony, I was in Alaska and living alone in the wilderness with two wolves at that time and I certainly remember hearing about Christopher McCandless. I thought what a tragedy. There were so many deaths of all types up there.
Anthony......Living off the grid does not mean going back to the cave men era.
Fire good, me like fire
Lol Rev. In Germany I had to make a fire every morning in the wood stove to cook and also to boil diapers to wash them. We had cold tap water and we were allowed to use the bathtub once a week to bathe. I shudder when I think about it now.
vielleicht haben sie lieber die sauerkraut auf den krautsalat, ja ?
Das ist ein Schrei!
@ anthony m: That's funny, because when I think of living off grid I think of this house in Costa Rica or maybe this one closer to the Field Lab up 118, just a couple of miles past the UT Observatory. I'm pretty sure painting was involved in both those projects. Just saying.;-)
[It's great how there are about as many different ways of thinking about things as there are people doing the thinking about 'em, isn't it?]
WOW. Those two houses are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
What I was referring to when I said, " which has zero to do with a painting job", was my comment being off subject.
@anthony: OK I've gotcha now, I misunderstood.
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